Key Characteristic 4: Growth in Learning
Learners’ progress is measured through a balanced system that includes assessment both for learning and of learning.
Professional staff members and learners use assessment data gathered through formal and informal methods to determine learners’ progress toward and achievement of intended learning objectives. Assessment data are used for planning, decision making, and modification of curriculum and instruction.
LMS Grading and collation of data from each semester is thoroughly used for performance data interpretations:
Evidence 1: Assessment Methodology ( provides consistent and robust platform. End of semester assessments are administered to determine the student’s progress in attaining the learning targets and also determine the LSRW skill areas requiring improvements. Based on the students’ performance in higher levels with phonetic reading of Tamil, adjustments were made during academic year 2023-24 to the Basic 1 Reading and Basic 2 Reading/Writing assessments to use newer rubrics.
Evidence 2: Skills Improvement Program ( offers process framework for identifying the students requiring additional focus on a few learning skills and engage them in the improvement initiatives so as to catch up and achieve the established learning targets.
Also school devices broader improvement initiatives based on the assessment data. As an example, based on the performance data of intermediate levels Writing and Speaking, newer interactive learning aid called “Student World of Words” was introduced during 2023-24 academic year to improve creative speaking and Writing skills of students.