Key Characteristic 3: Engagement of Learning
Learners engage in experiences that promote and develop their self-confidence and love of learning.
Learners pursue opportunities that may not always result in success, knowing they will be supported.
Learners show motivation, curiosity, and excitement about their learning.
Evidence 1: Assessment methodology ( describes the progression on the assessments. Having rubrics as EE (Exceed Expectations), MS (Meeting expectations strongly), MM (Meeting expectations minimally) and D (Does not meet expectations) instead of absolute percentage, clearly highlights the skill area requiring improvements.
Evidence 2: Skills Improvement Program (Assessment driven LSRW Skills Improvement Program ( allows students to engage their self in the activities to improve their skills and achieve the established learning targets. The catchup options help the students effectively if they are slightly behind on some skills.
Following “No student left behind” policy, 4 distinct language learning skills, easily relatable IPA (Integrated Performance Assessment) pattern-based assessments, understandable rubrics and assessment driven skill improvement program jointly instills confidence in the students towards language learning.
Evidence 3: Endowment ( been established to offer Tamil Bilingual Seal students with scholarship towards their college education. Through the monetary benefits and other efforts leadership continuously motivate students to continue language learning and attain one of the 3 proficiency levels in Bilingual assessment.