Key Characteristic 2: Leadership for Learning
Leaders demonstrate expertise in recruiting, supervising, and evaluating professional staff members to optimize learning.
Leaders identify, develop, and retain qualified professional staff members who contribute to the institution’s culture and priorities.
Leaders use data from a variety of sources to forecast future staffing needs and employ strategies to attract a diverse pool of candidates.
Leaders implement practices and procedures for supervision and evaluation that improve professional staff members’ performance to optimize learning.
Evidence 1: School board ( depicts a robust governance body with 2 broader towers; Academic Council and Administrative Council. Administrative council responsibilities revolve around daily operations like student enrollment, teacher assignments, classroom bookings, digital infrastructure etc. The Academic Council is further grouped under a 3 broader topics; Syllabus, Process, Teacher Training/assessment and Infrastructure.
Evidence 2: The teacher training ( details the professional development initiatives. The training covers various knowledge areas including language proficiency, Instruction methodology, curriculum, learning management system and technology infrastructure. Post recruiting the right talents, the school continues to monitor and appropriately enhance their performance through training and enablement initiatives.
Evidence 3: TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS / PLACEMENT / INDUCTION section of the teachers handbook ( describes the process around, volunteer recruitment, qualification, screening, induction, placements, roles and responsibilities of the teachers and their rewards and recognitions. With the community revolving around the moving population, the school sustaining the primary & secondary teacher combo for all 11 levels and the school has never canceled a class due to lack of availability of teacher or the classroom during so many years of operation are both strong testimonials to the leadership maturity around resource management.