Accreditation is a process of accessing and recognizing schools adhering to a set of educational standards. MNTS Tamil School is accredited school. Being an accredited school entitles students and parents with many benefits including but not limited to Language credit for Students, Continuous improvement on educational standards, Constant evaluation of education quality, Access to more opportunities and better resources.
Quality assurance and oversight process
MNTS educational services agency offers 6 different offerings to the clients and so they can make use of it as they see fit. School offers syllabus, instructional resources, assessment resources, and knowledge resources are offered as open source. There is no registration or affiliation for the clients to leverage the service.
The academic council is responsible for areas like Syllabus & Instructional resources, continuously improved Assessment resources, LMS infrastructures, Professional development opportunities and compliance. MNTS ESA is maintaining the accreditation status with Cognia to assure the quality of service the agency offers. The student performance data from direct stakeholders, Weekly teacher inputs from direct stakeholders and feedback from various sources are continuously incorporated in all the above aspects governed by the academic council.
The direct stakeholders for MNTS Tamil Schools - Administrators, parents, teachers, and students are fully in compliance with the above aspects. Whereas the other schools using the various resources are not directly monitored but get the benefit of all the validated systems.
Quality assurance and oversight process
MNTS educational services agency offers 6 different offerings to the clients and so they can make use of it as they see fit. School offers syllabus, instructional resources, assessment resources, and knowledge resources are offered as open source. There is no registration or affiliation for the clients to leverage the service.
The academic council is responsible for areas like Syllabus & Instructional resources, continuously improved Assessment resources, LMS infrastructures, Professional development opportunities and compliance. MNTS ESA is maintaining the accreditation status with Cognia to assure the quality of service the agency offers. The student performance data from direct stakeholders, Weekly teacher inputs from direct stakeholders and feedback from various sources are continuously incorporated in all the above aspects governed by the academic council.
The direct stakeholders for MNTS Tamil Schools - Administrators, parents, teachers, and students are fully in compliance with the above aspects. Whereas the other schools using the various resources are not directly monitored but get the benefit of all the validated systems.